Monday, July 27, 2009

Washington Vacation

This is Sean's take on the Washington vacation.

It was fantastic. We got to spend a lot of time with all of our family. We did an all-day temple trip to the Seattle Temple and had a lot of fun. We shopped at the Marysville outlet mall (the best EVER) and spent way too much money. We went to Port Townsend. Here's pictures:

My nephew is a ham

My nephew took this great picture of his Aunt Tenille

I gave my nephew my camera and he took several pictures. This was my favorite.

Oh, how I miss Washington.

It's hard to take pictures at night outdoors.

The ferry coming through the fog

Nephew, rockin' on the rocket.

Edit: There was a few things about Washington that I had forgotten:

  1. There's a lot of traffic
  2. The Native American people there are mean
  3. Everyone that lives there wants to be a writer
  4. Socks and sandals
  5. Sweater vests

Thursday, July 9, 2009

We painted.

So we went a little bonkers and did some painting. My brother helped us out and did some pretty cool paint, replaced all of the floor moulding (which was nasty) and added some crown moulding to one of the rooms. Here be pictures.

The green circle-y nursery wall part 1

The green circle-y nursery wall part 2

What's that?! Nursery?! Yeah, no plans yet. Just getting ready in case. Calm down.

The "fire" room.

The fire room detail

The fire room detail with inspiration

Yeah, the fire room is pretty cool. It would probably be terrible for resale, though. It's a good thing we're not planning on going any where soon!