It's been so long since I have contributed to our blog so I'd better get with it... And I don't even have any pictures but I couldn't keep finding excuses. So, here's the exciting happenings of our life over the last few months....
- This last week we found out we are having a boy and we are way excited about that. (Although, I would've been happy either way and Sean would too, he still has a special glow knowing that our first is a son... Yes, that sounds VERY weird.)
-For Christmas Sean got me (us) a Nintendo Wii. The best part is that he got it for free... What could be better? Anyone wanna come play with us?
-We have had the last couple days off of work because we were going to try and sell our house but decided against it so we have had lots of fun catching up on things that we have been behind on and spending some relaxing time together. Sean is quite the handy man on fixing up things around the house and I'm SO grateful for that.
- Sean has come down with some type of flu bug the last few hours and him and the bathroom have been a little too close for comfort. Let's hope it is short lived and that it's not passed on.
- Phoebe has been enjoying the snow and her toys. Her recent favorite is her "Ger" (her stuffed Tiger) she finally succeeded in tearing of its tail as of tonight.
- Leah has been enjoying hunting for any possible treats or crumbs left behind, and trying to avoid the cold and snow as much as possible. She's developed a "howling" habit when the big husky dogs that live behind us start howling along with emergency sirens. We find it pretty amusing.
- And last but not least... Ethan... Or at least that is what we are referring to him as for right now. He seems to be a healthy kid according to the doctor. Very active but with the location of the placenta, I probably won't be able to feel much for a couple more weeks.
I think that's about it... Hope everyone had a great holiday season!
11 years ago