Ethan was blessed on Sunday August 15th in sacrament meeting by his dad. What?! No picture? Why isn't there a picture of Ethan in his blessing outfit? Well, that would be because he had a MAJOR blowout while my mom was holding him during one of the sacrament meeting talks... At least he made it through the blessing ok. That in and of itself is a miracle! There may be WAY too much information in this post but seeing as how this counts as Ethan's journal pretty much, that's why. Standing in the circle was Bishop Hennefer, Sean, Sean's dad, my dad, Fred, and Robby. Ethan was blessed with the knowledge and strength to go on a mission and get married in the temple.
We had LOTS of family there. Both sets of parents and Cam and Rach made a special trip from Washington. Tiffany, Fred, Kevin, and Madaleine came. Aunt Debbie, Tammy, and Lockley were there from Mom's side of the family. From Dad's side Uncle Bruce, Aunt Tracy, Nalani, David, Kelly, Wesley, Michael, Chelsea, Uncle Daryl, Uncle Gordon, Brooke and Mckenna, Dot, and Robby. Hopefully we didn't forget anyone!
After church we went to the 4th street park and had sandwiches. Here are some pictures from later on in the day.