Wow... Where to begin... I must note that since I don't get around to keeping a journal and a blog, this kinda counts for both. So, beware for my ramblings! Since Ethan was born, we went from both of us working full time jobs, to Sean still working full time and me just working Saturdays for 4 hours and staying on the ATM team which pretty much entails 5 hours or so every third week. Needless to say that's an extremely scary transition when the budget just doesn't seem to work out on paper. We were and are still trying to have faith that things will work out. Daycare is too expensive and quite frankly I couldn't bring myself to drop Ethan off some where for 9+ hours everyday.
It's amazing how things seem to happen just when you need them to. I think Heavenly father does that on purpose. If things happened before you really needed them to, it wouldn't require as much faith to trust him that things will be taken care of.
I am amazed at people's generosity. When we found out we were having a boy, one of my co-workers gave us lots of hand me downs from her son including tons of clothes, and a bouncer seat. Shortly after Ethan was born, we were running low on diapers and hadn't gone to the store for more yet when I got a text from my old boss asking me if we could use some diapers. When I said "yes!" she had them in her trunk for me to come pick up, and low and behold, there were about 150 diapers the same size and brand that we needed! I also wasn't producing enough milk so we were having to supplement with formula. We were on our last scoop and once again hadn't gone to the store to get more. We hadn't checked the mail in a couple days which is rare and when I went out to get it, there was a box shoved in there with 2 cans of formula in it. Some ward members stopped by with meals when we came home from the hospital and others dropped off extra diapers or wipes that they didn't need anymore. I really hope we can be the lifesavers for someone else some day and return the favor.
Last Arpil, I was in a minor car accident but it was my fault and we thought for sure our car insurance was going to go up in the fall when our policy was renewed. Nope! It went down... We still can't figure it out. We both had several errors in our paychecks where they shorted us previously but we didn't catch it then so when money was extremely tight, the mistakes were found and we were reimbursed and ended up having enough to make ends meet! Thank goodness for answered prayers!!!
I have been job hunting lately and haven't had any results yet with my weird schedule but so far things are going ok. We know if we are obedient and do the best that we can, the Lord will provide!
11 years ago