Monday, July 27, 2009

Washington Vacation

This is Sean's take on the Washington vacation.

It was fantastic. We got to spend a lot of time with all of our family. We did an all-day temple trip to the Seattle Temple and had a lot of fun. We shopped at the Marysville outlet mall (the best EVER) and spent way too much money. We went to Port Townsend. Here's pictures:

My nephew is a ham

My nephew took this great picture of his Aunt Tenille

I gave my nephew my camera and he took several pictures. This was my favorite.

Oh, how I miss Washington.

It's hard to take pictures at night outdoors.

The ferry coming through the fog

Nephew, rockin' on the rocket.

Edit: There was a few things about Washington that I had forgotten:

  1. There's a lot of traffic
  2. The Native American people there are mean
  3. Everyone that lives there wants to be a writer
  4. Socks and sandals
  5. Sweater vests

1 comment:

Lance and Melissa said...

yeah, I guess I am the daughter type. But they are going to be rockin daughters. I already have Evelyn excersize with me in the morning and she is getting pretty good at pushpups.