Wednesday, December 30, 2009

A Sad Story

Background: My dad is about as right-wing as you get. A big Glenn Beck fan, reads books about liberal conspiracies... pretty intense.

Story: My parents came to visit and we went out to eat. While waiting for our food, my dad made the announcement that he got a birthday for my mom (it was her birthday). He pulled out and iPod and I almost cried. I'm not sure my parents understand or even know about my deep loathing for Apple, but I made sure to inform them.

I can't remember exactly how my dad worded it, but he asked why I couldn't just be happy about it because my mom has wanted one for a while. I thought about it and said, "Imagine I just bought a book for my wife that was written by Al Gore." He suddenly became very understanding.

The end.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

It's a Baby!

Most of you have already heard the news. Well here's proof!

Baby's Heartbeat


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